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    1. Scypio

      reintroduction power snakes

      Quickfire is just a bandbaid to the system. It won't fix underlying issues of basic mechanics. Like power being boringly simple.
    2. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Not everytime. But we should try to go the most for it. Both statements are probably true. But balancing cost before the universe update is both useless and a waste of time. Because everything is easily obtainable for people on survival so you probably see why this is a moot point. Then, well...
    3. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Imo, real cohesive fleet battle could be a thing if you had fights with like 20 players on each sides at least. Current side of starmade's pvp is with too little amount of people engaged to get any real tactic when everything fights. Plus, not to mention people are used to think in 2d. Not in 3d...
    4. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      As whammy said current "bomb" configs are not bypassing shields. However if you do bring back the real bomb via the configs they will bypass shields.
    5. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Not possible. Either your slave has the lock-on status and thus won't ignore shields or it's a bomb and will do everything it does. Nope. And as zoolimar said, we didn't do anything concerning armor and missiles. Let's do a little story time. Schema just at the start implemented the armor...
    6. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Who flies fiant turd shields wall ? Who fly slow as fuck ship ? Honestly ? Yes, things are much slower compared to vanilla but you still can't hit unless you have something bomber sized compared to the other guy. Which is not even close to the 1/100th of the mass mark. Bombs are and always were...
    7. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Oh, i just realized. Manhattan did put everything into lock on for some reasons. I thought it had the same and old combo i did set up. We looked for a long time at systems only. But you have to agree that at one point we cannot balance shields without chambers THEN balance chambers. That's...
    8. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      That is a possibility. But it doesn't change much in the end. Either we render the chamber useless or it's still a mandatory. The players won't have enough space for one or two jump drive chamber. Which start to be more bothersome than anything. We could simply nerf to the ground shield chambers...
    9. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Yes, that's how we worked and how we will work. When issues arise that we can do something about we surely look at it if a solution can be done. Of course right now not much people play the game so not much issues that already reached our ears are raised if at all. And of course, some "issues"...
    10. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Our documentation is somewhat centralized in the same documents brought here. The philosophy hasn't changed, only changes in numbers. As for the numbers, we have a script to show off interesting numbers out of the configs. Not all because that's not the point of this script to pretty print...
    11. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Just a few words... because i'm forced to answer you guys. It's not like i want to but i'm forced to. Otherwise it would look like you are right. So first, concerning the changes in the configs. They ARE the lastest configs for qf. I mean just check the repository and if values are correct or...
    12. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Idk where you get that from. I'm tired of someone claiming i'm thinking something else. It's just not feasible in any logical way that a 1k mass ship can skywalker a death star in starmade. Yes there has been some problems, mainly with bombs being equivalent to memes, but that's about it and has...
    13. Scypio

      New guy from Space Engineers

      Starmade is mainly coded in java. Java is a cross-platform language and the same code should work the same way no matter what the platform is. If there's differences then it's the interpreter fault. In theory you should be able to take the game and make it run on the raspberry pi without any...
    14. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Realism does not mean balanced. Reality is NOT balanced. But a game HAS to be balanced to be FUN. To sum quickly your point : Small ships have to be faster than bigger ship. Because there's no reasons to use them otherwise. It takes away the fun of using smaller ships vs bigger ones in combat...
    15. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      If you lost your armor, or part of it, of course no. You will need to repair your ship in a shipyard, use the astrotech beam or spawn another one. It is not possible to change the fact that if your shields never get down you can go on another fight without trouble. That's how shields work. They...
    16. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      There are no plans to bring it back. You are no more punished for using multi outputs. However your weapon won't be as efficient vs armored target as it could with only one output. This solution is much sexier than a blind and boring output penalty.
    17. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Then why are you asking something we don't have our hands on here ... ?
    18. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Already done. You can get the hotfix here :
    19. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      The same applies more or less to all recipes. Until cost and resource distribution become a part of the game (the universe update) we decided to not look and bother with it. In the current game, you can easily have everything you need for several weeks or months within a few hours. With the...
    20. Scypio

      The Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade.

      Have you tested recently ? We tuned the rotation a few weeks ago and it is way easier on the current configs.