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    1. Captain Falcon

      Cannon/Cannon Not Functioning Properly

      I'm trying to make a rapid firing ship with a cannon/cannon system. However, when I connect one computer to the other, only one of the cannon systems fire. I don't get whats wrong. One cannon comp is linked to 4 sets of cannons on one side of my ship, and another cannon computer is linked to...
    2. Captain Falcon

      No planet Explosion

      Hi, me and my friend just finished destroying a planet. it took at least 30 minutes to an HOUR. when we destroyed it, there wasn't an explosion. I had expected one because I saw a planet get destroyed in the weapons update video. I thought it would be cool, but it turns out that it just...
    3. Captain Falcon

      Custom Stations Spawn But Not With Right Faction

      I have put some custom stations I downloaded into the trading guild default blueprints, but only one spawns. Besides that, it spawns as a neutral station (blue square). And the station I have in the neutral folder doesn't spawn.
    4. Captain Falcon

      What Can Crew Members Do?

      I've been wanting crew for a while, and finally got some. However I'm curious what all they can really do? When my ship starts to move, crew members attached to the ship generally like to slide and no-clip outside of the ship. This is a big problem, but what else CAN crew members do exactly?
    5. Captain Falcon

      Bug Mobs Drift Off

      Lately when I approach pirate ships, the second they aggro on me they just drift off for about 5-10 seconds without shooting. Then after the 5-10 seconds, they teleport back to where they originally were and then drift in that same direction all over again for about 5-10 seconds. This just loops...