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    1. AURAvulpes

      Pirate bases are useless to raid now?

      Ok, so it's been a while since i last played StarMade, months in fact, but after being bored i decided to try it again and been having fun building my ship and stuff.. I got to the point where I'm like "Alright.. i think i can take on one of these pirate bases now :P" I head to the nearest one...
    2. AURAvulpes

      New crafting system? [Molecular/Atomic crafting]

      I was thinking of alternatives to improving the current crafting system and i thought ways that would most suit Starmade and it's era.. and i came up with a system called "Molecular/Atomic crafting" ... SUMMARY It is a separate/assemble type of crafting where blocks/items are separated into...
    3. AURAvulpes

      Dynamic lighting and Player roll..

      Dynamic lighting I've been flying around the spawn area for a while with shadows on and I've tried to light blocks up blocks using the light on the nose of my ship but it wont even illuminate anything (apart from the ship itself).. So i thought i'd suggest "Dynamic lighting" where the light...
    4. AURAvulpes

      Blue lava, yellow water, purple poison?!

      I just had a look in the minerals part of the shops and found stuff like Blue/red/black/etc. lava and water and stuff.. and i thought: "No way.. awesome! blue lava would look awesome on my ship :D" *clicks buy* ("This is old technology and we are no longer selling it") "Awww.. :( nuuuu!" But...
    5. AURAvulpes

      FULL crafting tree image/images..

      I'd like to have a high resolution version of the crafting tree/grid thing on the news page.. I've look at this thread And apparently if you press TAB + o then it would generate, but i just get this error: D: And...
    6. AURAvulpes

      Flight mode - Activation module triggers

      This is a pretty simple addition/change that will expand the new activation modules a lot :D EDIT: Just learned this is already a planned feature that will be added soon :D DESCRIPTION: Activate "activation modules" through the flight mode's hotbar, just like a weapon or effect USES: Fire...