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    1. C

      Trace Build Server

      alright, ive already posted my app but hadnt really built much to take a pic of when i posted it, so heres my build:
    2. C

      Trace Build Application

      heres my application for the Trace Build server, but i thought id upload it here to see what everyone thought, i just started a couple hours ago so its not the prettiest thing but it still looks pretty cool, anyways, its called the overkill OVERKILL, which atm is WIP, as im not quite familiar...
    3. C

      Trace Build Server

      IGN: cschnipke279 Current Faction / Shipyard: N/A Links to any of your work: sorry i haven't gotten any chance to build much yet, however i came from minecraft and was pretty good at it there Time zone: central Previous bans?: no Why you want to join the server: I'm looking for a nice server to...
    4. C

      Game won't start

      wooooooo! it works ! thank you so much!
    5. C

      Bug Cannot start game

      hate to be a newb but how do i do this, im having the same problem
    6. C

      Game won't start

      how do you choose to install 64 bit version, when i download it it just gives me the starter
    7. C

      Game won't start

      ya its really annoying, ive never had the problem before but now i want to play the game really bad and its just like NOPE!
    8. C

      Game won't start

      hey sorry, im not as much new to the game, more of havent played it since mid last year because i looted some space stations and got loaded with a god ship 15 minutes into the game and got bored, however seeing some youtubers playing it recently has made me want to play it again, ALOT, and to my...