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    1. B

      Several Shipyard Problems

      Yeah, there must be something else goin on. Because every Shipyard at our station is buggy, doesn't matter which size. So i guess something inside the station isn't right and the shipyard can't handle it. I think we will create a new Station from scratch up and see how she is doing. We don't...
    2. B

      Several Shipyard Problems

      How large is your Shipyard ?
    3. B

      Several Shipyard Problems

      I checked, an no , the stationen seem not to cross sectors. I uploaded the station blueprint, but no ship blueprint, because it happens with all of them. You also could yoin our Server. Wich timezone do you live in?
    4. B

      Several Shipyard Problems

      Hi, I used the Shipyard a long time without any Problems, but a week ago I Upgraded my Shipyard to something Huge. My Station now has two Shipyards with each 800x400x400. 50 Blocks between the Arches. Since this upgrade I have many Problems with them: 1. Client Crash on "Create new Design"...