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    1. AnubisRex999

      Somthing Big

      Let me start by saying this is just my speculation, but I think we are all about to get major treat in the coming updates. The reason I say this is that all of the main players that have popular youtube channels for Starmade have stopped posting videos. It seems like they are all super busy...
    2. AnubisRex999

      New link to "Music for space"

      Just to make thing easier I have uploaded the 1 hour 38 min and 58 sec of music to Soundcloud enjoy And please let me know what you think as I plan to create even more music with Starmade in mind.
    3. AnubisRex999

      Music For space

      Hi this is AnubisRex999 I just stopped by to let you know I posted a link to over 90 min of music I created with Sarmade in mind. Please have a listen and if you like any of it feel free to use it in your videos. All I ask is that you give me credit as the composer.
    4. AnubisRex999

      Music for Starmade

      Hi my name is Jon aka Anubtec. I'm a composer from the states and I am working on music with Starmade in mind. I have created over 93 min of music and soundscapes all ready and I would like to donate free of charge an original in game soundtrack to Schema for use in Starmade. You can hear...
    5. AnubisRex999

      Hi all

      Hi all My name is Jon aka Anubtec. I am so hooked on starmade and can't wait to see what happens next. I am working on music that I hope will be part of the Starmade experience some day. This is just some of what I have to offer. Many of the tracks are 3 to 10 min long. I have over 93 min...