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      The Future Of StarMade: The need for more creative agency.

      As Starmade's development goes onwards, and as I see the myriad of suggestions that flood this thread daily, there is something that has cought my attention that I feel needs to be addressed. Currently, I see a lot of suggestions wanting more stuff, or making changes to certain things and the...
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      United Space Dynamics USS Discovery

      The Flagship of the United Space Defense Force. Download: The United Space Dynamics USS Discovery is a Battlecruiser that is built with combat in mind. Armed to the teeth and very well-armored, it is capable...
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      More Varieties of Weapons (not an I WANT LAZORS thread)

      If there is something that I feel that StarMade is really missing is a good variety of weapons. Now don't get me wrong, the AMC's are great, but there are just some itches that they just can't scratch even if you do mess with the settings.. Having a greater number of options when it comes to...