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    1. D

      Crosshair and other HUD stuff... Post them here

      Post your homemade crosshair sights or HUD stuff here. If you make a crosshair, remember to save it as non interlaced png file. You only need one colour and when in game, when the crosshair is placed on target it auto changes your image to green. Place the png file into...
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      Big Ships are Terrible now...

      Yes they should. That\'s why there is small fighters in scifi and the real world. Big ships have the advantage to shoot at longer distance. Small fighters are made to kill big ships :) and if you don\'t like it, get other ships to protect you, or put more blocks on like they go in every other...
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      Big Ships are Terrible now...

      So big ship are to be invincible to small ships!! I don\'t think so. The taller you are, the harder you fall.
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      Big ships take longer to move backwards as it has to stop then make a new direction. I would suggest that one doesn\'t get to close when chewing on a fat ass ship.
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      Starmade ship simple classification. Name and type.

      No it\'s more like a \"smal\" \"warship\". I have seen your page on this matter but I use sight its based on how you . see it. On screen your ship name shows. Easy ;)
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      Starmade ship simple classification. Name and type.

      What are your thoughts? I appreciate the level and detail that some have done on other pages but most are still hard to use while playing. As SciFi has never had and never will have standard class types and I wish to communicate that if you keep it simple (this is often over looked) this is...
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      [Classification] easy and usefull | byBrolak

      It really doesn\'t matter about endurance. Scifi has no standards to class types. It\'s simple to call a ship small, large or massive and what it\'s role is ie miner, fighter, show pony, flagship, carrier, trade or general purpous ( that includes everything.
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      A Nameless Guide for Ship Classifications..

      Depends on what you want as a class. I regard every ship based on its role. If its not purpose is not to escorting or protecting other ships, it\'s not a frigate or if its not faster then me and can\'t turn as fast as me and not protecting a task group it\'s not a destroyer. I class it as a...
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      How did I get here from
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      More weapons

      I would love to see an extra tab for ship slots, with 3 slots. And that these slots you can add extra stuff like special ammo, shields, speed, missile decoys, power boost, turn speed, etc. that these items are limited to one use or limited time duration and these items can be made from material...
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      [Classification] easy and usefull | byBrolak

      It would be easier to class ships to its role. Like a \"Frigate\" is a warship intended to protect other warships and merchant ships, \"Destroyer\" is a fast and maneuverable yet long-endurance warship intended to escort larger vessels in a fleet or battle group and defend them against...
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      Landing Gear/ Repulser Fields.

      If you going to have a landing gear on your ship you should have downward thrusters to counter gravity as I guess most ships won\'t have wings to use air pressure to creat lift.
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      Ship Classes?

      I think in the end because of the speed of each contact (only a few mins), most people aren\'t going to work out what class a ship is (role or size or what ever other types people make up) But if you need to name a ship by class type then on earth its named for its role and class name is any...
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      Small ships, what ever happened to them?

      I prefer smaller ships as they really damage the massive ships :). I love hanging on their 6, like a crocodile chewing on a fat lady\'s ass. The best bit is when the owners of the large ships have a cry, like little girls on PvP games when you kill them off. ;)
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      Docking bug

      Have to delete that ship and make a new one. It\'s all ready saved and can\'t be fixed. :(
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      Looks like boobies to me!! Don\'t know how you got bones. Lol