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    1. M

      Dedicated Flight Seats

      Ok i been wanting this for a really long time. I'm sure most of you have as well. I think starmade has been missing a dedicated flight cockpit seat for a while now. Not sure if this has been suggested or not but there is a few reasons i think we need one that i hope will fix some game play...
    2. M

      Is there any reason to build small ships?

      I been playing this game on release since before steam release. The issue has always been, is there any reason you build small ships like at all. Everyone has always build large ships for pvp and pve with massive amounts of turrets. I once even saw a ship that was literally nothing but massive...
    3. M

      Um not one i wanted to work on. I tried using SMedit but its broken atm, i use to use it but...

      Um not one i wanted to work on. I tried using SMedit but its broken atm, i use to use it but they need to update it.