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    1. S

      Passing through blocks in ships forward.

      For some reason I am passing through blocks at the front of my ship. My core, is at the moment, above everything else on the ship. the bays are built below and forward of the core. These are the first things that have been built, but now I am noticing this issue. So far... 606.586 blocks 397...
    2. S

      Awww C'mon

      With the previous update things were great. Standing still my CPU was ay about 62%~84%. I could approach planets again. I could even land on planets. It was great. then today I saw that there was an update. My gut told me not to do it, but I did it anyway. Today after updating... standing...
    3. S

      Mining computers and PlexStorage Containers

      Tired of your player inventory filling up with space rock, lava and sand? me too! The solution? select your mining computer with "c" and then any PlexStorage container with "v" and everything you mine will go into that container instead of your player inventory. Great idea huh? yeah I know...