Search results

    1. Doomerzzz

      Better Inventories

      Atm its quite the task to manage your inventory and stacking a heap of items only to be filled and the process having to be repeated. Right now I like that your able to access PLEX storage on your ship remotely which helps alot, but whats lacking right now is more options for the inventory, an...
    2. Doomerzzz

      Space Anomalies

      Currently there isnt much that populates the starmade universe that is generated besides: Planets, suns, Asteroids, Stations, Shops and Pirates. Perhaps there could be more variety added into the game? Such as: Abandoned Minefields Minefields that span over a whole sector or possibly more to...
    3. Doomerzzz

      Creating more complexity to ships

      At the moment ships are designed all the same for their interior, giant masses of energy, thrusters, shields and guns. For me its abit too basic having just 4 genre's of used blocks when there could be much more complexity added to their interiors, there is the problem which that the way of...