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    1. S

      Reduce stabilizer distance to reactor

      What happens when your server's owner decides to change that default to what it is now?
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      Devblog 27th June 2017

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      How do you feel about starmade?

      What if changes he makes breaks existing scripts? I think that's an added responsibility he doesn't want quite yet, it makes sense to me to leave it for a time where Starmade's design is stable (like in a beta phase).
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      Discontent among the ranks...

      You know. Anyone who came to play Starmade knows. Because Starmade isn't a game yet. It's still taking shape. Things will change, hell, the whole game might be remade from the ground up. You KNOW this, because the game isn't even in beta yet. Nothing you build is ever going to be guaranteed...
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      Devblog 6th June 2017

      Are you disappointed? What did you think Devblogs were for if not explaining what the Devs are doing?
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      StarMade - Devblog May 22nd 2017

      I believe those 'survival aspects' refer to ship upkeep rather than player upkeep, which in itself can go a ways toward keeping people mining and trading.
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      What kind of Chambers to you want?

      One option could be to restrict the use of cloaking as well. A charge-up chamber that loses its charge when you take a hit, requiring a decently sized chamber that scales with the ship size. You could drop/lower the active power consumption for maintaining it and diverting that to the charge-up...
    8. S

      What kind of Chambers to you want?

      I'm sure that they would be converted to chambers, but I expect that the "insane" power drain is an intended downside to using them. Since CPU doesn't "drain", you could just perma run cloakers otherwise for no downside.
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      Alternative to Tech Points = Skill Points

      The intent of Tech Points is to impose an upper limit of how much/how far you can take your ship, so I disagree with your suggestion on the grounds that it enables the use of more chambers.
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      What kind of Chambers to you want?

      I'm having trouble understanding your intention; how would you intend them to work? Just use up "CPU" and not drain any power?