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    1. fillefilip8

      FilleCraft StarMade [Survival]

      The discord channel now shows player joins and player leaving. Check who is on the server with !whoison
    2. fillefilip8

      FilleCraft StarMade [Survival]

      Server updated :) Come and join us :) Dont forget to check out our forums: FilleCraft
    3. fillefilip8

      FilleCraft StarMade [Survival]

      Bump. Updated the server to lastest version. Come and join us :)
    4. fillefilip8

      Looking for a harder Server

      Im running a server that is "survival" much harder then the other servers. The mining bonus is 1 if i remmbered correctly. Just hop in on the server and check it out?
    5. fillefilip8

      FilleCraft StarMade [Survival]

      Server just reset. Hop in and play with us :)
    6. fillefilip8

      FilleCraft StarMade [Survival]

      Just want to mention that this isnt a normal wrapper(not downloadable) this wrapper is 100% coded by me and i hope some players on here can come and help us test:)
    7. fillefilip8

      FilleCraft StarMade [Survival]

      Gonna bump this again. Any feedback on the server/website please?
    8. fillefilip8

      Any servers?

      Well i do got a server. You can check it out.
    9. fillefilip8

      FilleCraft StarMade [Survival]

      Bump. Anyone maybe leave some feedback about it? We are still looking for more players :D
    10. fillefilip8

      StarMade Utils - A android app (not published)

      Yes im still making it
    11. fillefilip8

      StarMade Utils - A android app (not published)

      Hello! I was bored one day and come up with a simple noob idea. A app with tools that are useful if you dont want to minimize starmade to access. Example: Blocks/Items ID List. The Blocks/Item ID list is by: Screenshots...
    12. fillefilip8

      FilleCraft StarMade [Survival]

      Bump. Server is updated to recent version xD
    13. fillefilip8

      FilleCraft StarMade [Survival]

      Could someone please make a reply here with some feedback? It would be very nice :) Just made a server banner for the server. What do you guys think?
    14. fillefilip8

      StarMade Query Protocol? Im guessing much have changed since 2014?
    15. fillefilip8

      FilleCraft StarMade [Survival]

      FilleCraft StarMade [No whitelist] FilleCraft StarMade is just a simple and fun StarMade server with some active people who builds amazing builds/ships. We are now looking for some more people to come and play with us. This server is Semi-RP so some people like RP and some others doesnt...
    16. fillefilip8

      StarMade Query Protocol?

      I found a PHP script that pings the server to get data but i didnt really what it is doing. It will be easier if i understood what is going on. Do you have any documentaion on this?
    17. fillefilip8

      StarMade Query Protocol?

      I have seen how to get description of a server but what does these 0x00 stuff mean? Is there any documentation? (This is maybe in wrong category) Please help me?