Search results

    1. Lord Daro

      Reactor Chamber effects

      I got an possible addition for the FTL Chamber: Interstellar Drive +This Effect would fundamentally alter the behavior of the base Jump Drive. It could have the Drive only operate correctly when the pilot has specifically targeted a Star. +In order to work with that concept, the basic range...
    2. Lord Daro

      Lord Daro's Universe (technically still under construction)

      It's getting along. I could manage to keep myself motivated, so far. And some atmospheric background music while were at it.
    3. Lord Daro

      Lord Daro's Universe (technically still under construction)

      I never learn... But hey, maybe I can manage to finish this one before starting the next.
    4. Lord Daro

      Add group selection to for the remove/replace toll

      Youre probably right there. I still wanted to put the suggestion out. Maybe it gets picked up sometime in the future.
    5. Lord Daro

      Add group selection to for the remove/replace toll

      Almost. Thus far I could not find any option to select all block types within a group. Sometimes one might to edit for example all shapes of a certain hull with one click. That's not really a necessity, but nice when I want to quickly change an entire hull coloring.
    6. Lord Daro

      Add group selection to for the remove/replace toll

      This just a suggestion for a little more building convience. It could sometimes be handy, if we could select whole block groups (such as blue hull, plex door, rails blocks, ect) for deletion/replacement aswell.
    7. Lord Daro

      Will there be AI-Combat in unloaded sectors?

      Some time ago shine put out a plan for "simulated" AI-Combat. I personally would very much like something like that (at the very least in singleplayer), but it met quite some resistance from the community as people saw substantial potential for abuse. Does any one know, wherever this feature is...
    8. Lord Daro

      Free Stations

      There have been already a few neat suggestions to make stations of various sizes more attractive. I would like add another perspective that could be taking into consideration aswell, when deciding between a ship or a station for a certain job. If we look at this realistically, a ship can...
    9. Lord Daro

      Some universe 2 ideas

      All this talk about stations reminded me, that someone once made a suggestion about generated dungeons. This concept could be used here to add some more variety. A basic generator working with pre build sets of different styles and we are set. Shine could even include templates for players to...
    10. Lord Daro

      Some universe 2 ideas

      Maybe a beacon abillity could even be made a standard option for any entity. This would help shops to make their present be known or players and NPC-factions could setup warning buoys.
    11. Lord Daro

      Ancient Arcane Class Exploration Cruiser - FINALLY! Another update

      This update brings the old arcane into the realm of power 2.0 (Not to mention the rail update). Also, I finally added a shuttle and made a few cosmetic changes.
    12. Lord Daro

      detectable weapon fire for cosmetic reasons

      That's not qiute what I got. With the current setup most weapons fire continuous for as longs as the connected logic block is ON. They deal normal damage to shields but with my setups only the first shot after logic got changed to ON has been able to damage actual blocks. I do have the offical...
    13. Lord Daro

      Ideas on the Role of Crew

      That's going to be quite the challange for the AI script, but it would indeed be nice to have all these abilities for our crews. As for the original suggestion, I think that some overlap between crew and blocks is unavoidable for the sake of immersion as many task can be done by robots aswell...
    14. Lord Daro

      Lambana class medium shuttlecraft - Systems 2.0

      A quick Update to current vanilla.
    15. Lord Daro

      Thruster Update or Revamp

      Largely I am all for having more construction based thrust distribution. For a more physics based aproach like in this suggestion, I would however prefer it, if the system is a little bit softer on applying directional forces. Ohterwise it might quickly turn into an very anoying task to...
    16. Lord Daro

      Had Logic some recent changes in it's behavior?

      Here you go: ⚓ T3027 logic connections from older blueprints aren't working properly anymore in recent devbuilds
    17. Lord Daro

      Had Logic some recent changes in it's behavior?

      Sure Thing. I will pass it on.
    18. Lord Daro

      Had Logic some recent changes in it's behavior?

      Just looked up my report again, after a long time. It is public by now, but it looks like it might take a while until even the cause of this problem is fully understood. While I was at it, I took the liberty of linking to the SOBEK for further testing.
    19. Lord Daro

      Lendrosell Class Great Hunter Automaton 2018-06-29

      This recource contains a set escort drones that were used by my fictional faction the Amphibos Colonial Empire. Like pretty much all Amphibos ships they don't have energy shields and rely on their armor alone, wich also makes them pretty slow. Like most other military Amphibos ships these drones...
    20. Lord Daro

      More than 100% Chamber point usage (for a prize of course)

      I would make this penalty for overclocking be compensable with extra stabilazers. If we go with high costs like my proposed 5% stability, just going to 120% would already mean up to double the amount of stabilazers. With so many stabilazers added, I would guess something like a jumping defence...