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    1. C

      StarMade 0.1851 Hotfixes and More Mining

      Well I didn't play for few months, but it seems hw requirements increased a lot. It's really hard to mine resources, when going near planet turns game into total lagfest.
    2. C

      StarMade 0.1595 Display Blocks

      thx :D I was always wondering, what that thing, without icon or description does. :) Now just stuff all ships with chargers... :rolleyes:
    3. C

      StarMade 0.1595 Display Blocks

      I just noticed, shields do no longer work, no regeneration or power consumption. :( And it looks like AI ships have no shields too.
    4. C

      StarMade v0.159 Fixes & Mail System

      Pirates stopped spawning after this patch, I saw few ai trading ships, but no pirates.