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    1. KKBlox321

      NPC ideas.

      I think NPCs are confirmed for the future, so here are some of my ideas: Bold and italic words are objects that aren't in the game but are needed for robots/androids. Robots/androids: These are NPCs you can make with body parts and the like. You will need an Advanced Bobby AI module. This has...
    2. KKBlox321

      Dave discovers that disintegrators explode

      The bomber ideas sound cool but what if someone rams you or the docked bomber ships glitch and collide with you?
    3. KKBlox321

      More guns and ship stuff.

      I think StarMade should have a variety of guns and handheld weapons. Such as: The basic blaster, handheld missile launchers (much small than ship ones and are less powerfull, E.I no lock on targets, just straight line), blades (laser knives), rapid fire blasters, sniper blasters, blaster...
    4. KKBlox321

      Star Wars Replica Ships by Caecus & Mercy (WAVE 2!)

      I love StarMade because cool shizzle like this can be made in it.