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    1. F

      Cannot start dedicated server from starter exe

      Still no progress... Really annoyed atm...
    2. F

      Cannot start dedicated server from starter exe

      Nope, still no progress.
    3. F

      Cannot start dedicated server from starter exe

      It boots, and I can join, but I cannot let others join.
    4. F

      Cannot start dedicated server from starter exe

      Anyone able to help?
    5. F

      Cannot start dedicated server from starter exe

      Tried making a few more modifications to firewall, reinstalled, run as admin, still no luck so far.
    6. F

      Cannot start dedicated server from starter exe

      Nope, just cannot start a server.
    7. F

      Cannot start dedicated server from starter exe

      Hey. When trying to start a dedicated server, nothing at all happens, apart from the launcher disappearing. I have tried running as admin, as well as setting up exceptions in the firewall, but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated!
    8. F

      Dev Build for a Small Server

      I can\'t understand any of this, other than the fact it crashed! [2014-02-06 18:44:14] java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find computer SN [2014-02-06 18:44:14] at u.a(SourceFile:63) [2014-02-06 18:44:14] at w.a(SourceFile:87) [2014-02-06 18:44:14] at...
    9. F

      Dev Build for a Small Server

      Tried it multiple times, still doesnt want to work!
    10. F

      Dev Build for a Small Server

      I will keep trying :P
    11. F

      Dev Build for a Small Server

      Hey, I have been trying to install the devbuild onto a server for personal use, but I cannot seem to extract it into the server I want to use, so does anyone know how I could do this? Thanks, all I have had is errors as I attempt to the connect, such as null error.
    12. F

      Jump Gate/StarGates and Warp Drive

      What I suggested was just one possible implementation.
    13. F

      Jump Gate/StarGates and Warp Drive

      That could be a great addition to make the game a bit more persistant, and to run a bit more like a single shard game like EvE. Each server acts as its own area of the universe, only accessable if they can link together!
    14. F

      Jump Gate/StarGates and Warp Drive

      I only suggested it again, because I added a few differant ideas of my own, which I couldnt find on any other discussions
    15. F

      Jump Gate/StarGates and Warp Drive

      Star Gates I believe, that flying a massive distance out to another sector, such as 5,5,5 takes far to long, and is boring for the most of us. Stargates would make it possible to go long distances, but you would have had to have visited the sector previously, to create the return gate, or...