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    1. Springy150

      Factory ship MK I

      Hi all This is my second ship witch is going to be one of the work horse's of The Space Rift Construction guild so here she is the The factory ship MK I the fist of its generation. There will be more on this ship and back story when the ship yard is up and running. as always thanks for...
    2. Springy150

      Construction ship S.R Leonard ready for deep space deployment

      Hi ltmauve there is a reason for the docking platforms big flat so if you with to dock something bigger it is easily modified and yes the hall ways are boxy but on my next shit that has been sorted and made with unboxy hallways thanks for the comments
    3. Springy150

      Construction ship S.R Leonard ready for deep space deployment

      Hi all I have been working on a Construction ship for some time but after have a block flicking and index error the ship was classed as lost but thank to Team Schine the ship and block problem was fixed so over that past days i have been fixing the lost sections and fishing it off so here...
    4. Springy150

      Construction of a construction ship now named S. R Leonard

      This project is now canceled due to a bad save and a corrupted file (-_-) i did save the blue print but that now all out of sorts and is flickering more up date if i find a way of fixing this or maybe a second round gen 2 type sorry to anyone who was following this i will now BACK UP BLUE...
    5. Springy150

      Just a Fast one on missiles

      nice one the last time i made a missile AI like last year ended in disaster thansk for the help aceface
    6. Springy150

      Explore, Land, Survive.

      Like the idea Keeping a random generation as well as this would be a grate a idea
    7. Springy150

      Just a Fast one on missiles

      Hi all Was just wounding are AI able to use missiles now with out blowing you ship up or them self? Thanks Springy
    8. Springy150

      Construction of a construction ship now named S. R Leonard

      Groovrider its a mobile construction ship that can act as a station as well as i personally don't like the fact the once you have mined the asteroids and planets the station is a giant hunk of junk wait to be abandoned . (but is a ship with a core and all that with a lot of docking zones and...
    9. Springy150

      Construction of a construction ship now named S. R Leonard

      Ok so this update is a bit of a small one as i have had a crazy week and now fishing the details of the hull before doing the turret mounting points
    10. Springy150

      What is the largest know ship ever made?

      I'm working one one that closing to 300 long and around 150 wide and 60 high and im closing on week three putting around 1-3 hours a day and on weekends around 1-4 hour depend on work and the how genres the other half is feeling
    11. Springy150

      Construction of a construction ship now named S. R Leonard

      Ok as promisted here is the work for today small amout becuase of a failing hard drive but it all needs doing
    12. Springy150

      Construction of a construction ship now named S. R Leonard

      hi again all This week has been meager busy so not much has been achieved but there its a run up a Crane has been added along with a cargo hold/ temper y store of sections of ships and cryostasiss has been added for the long hall space travel when and if the ships jump drive get damaged and a...
    13. Springy150

      Construction of a construction ship now named S. R Leonard

      IT WORKED!!!!!! Thanks Peekie30 for the help (^_^)
    14. Springy150

      Construction of a construction ship now named S. R Leonard

      I will try to write them on now Peekie30 Im not good at this forum stuff XD
    15. Springy150

      Construction of a construction ship now named S. R Leonard

      Hi Again views Here is a round up from the weeks work. the fist pitcher show some work was done like an Addison of a Bio-block. (like a dome but not dome shape (^-^) can't rember the word) Second the Construction Staffs rest rooms and offices are added and decorated. As you most likely...
    16. Springy150

      Construction of a construction ship now named S. R Leonard

      And one more for the night Construction For-mans sweat room comes with a large table and its owvn sever for the ships wide net-work as well as a large storage for blue prints and a view of the main constriction area
    17. Springy150

      Construction of a construction ship now named S. R Leonard

      HI Mariux Thanks For the suggestion and here is some more of today work core room and belly dock is now ready just need to add docking unit and the power room is read need more detail to it but ran out of bit so waiting for my factory s to work....... again name suggestions are welcome...
    18. Springy150

      Angel - Safe haven for civilians WIP

      The shell looks good can't wait to see it with armor on and GUNS!!!
    19. Springy150

      Construction of a construction ship now named S. R Leonard

      Hi all Now under full steam and a fully work HDD i have been gone but building for a long time now and have just got a pc worthy of building bigger ships so this is my new ship and the biggest yet for me as i work and all that stuff no one likes doing the construction will take some time but...
    20. Springy150


      This ideas i like it