Search results

    1. RedC0met3

      Adeptus Astartes Power Armor!

      I've seen a large demand for Adeptus Astartes (Space Marine) power armor in the skin request area so I thought I might deliver the foundation to fill those requests. I have provided here a functional Ultramarine skin with all skin...
    2. RedC0met3

      T-51b Power Armor!

      Recently uncovered from a massive cache of old tech and military equipment, presenting the T-51b Power Armor! The cutting edge in infantry body armor from before the Great War that ended civilization as it had once been known. The...
    3. RedC0met3

      Vault Boy Skin!

      New from Vault-Tec, the StarMade Vault Boy Skin! This skin features the Vault-Tec standard jumpsuit sporting the iconic Vault 13 number. Attached to the left wrist is your standard-issue Pip-Boy 3000, functioning with light up buttons and...
    4. RedC0met3

      Enclave Power Armor Request

      Hello, I'd like to put in a request that might be a bit tricky and could pose a challenge if there's anyone interested in such. I'd like to request a skin of the Enclave Advanced Power Armor as depicted in the image below. I honestly expect the helmet to cause the most trouble, but anyone that...