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    1. T

      Video of this Turret Bug

      Judging from the video, the actual problem you\'re encountering is something else - note the fact that you have something selected as you enter the Bobby AI module. If you enter the AI config menu whilst having an entity selected, you will be manipulating the AI of the selected entity (a ship...
    2. T


      I am currently encountering the same error in the prebuild v0.109 (20140223_005822). Specifically, it happens when saving a ship as a blueprint - but only if said ship has weapons linked to computers. The same ship with all weapons unlinked can be saved without problem; saving it with any...
    3. T

      More bugfixes (0.109)

      \"This change needs testing in connected blocks and block structure: check if your weapons, shields, etc still have the same value as before the patch, and if firing any weapons/cloak/etc result in a crash, as well as changing the assignment to the numbers of weapons.\" ...I guess a 510%...
    4. T

      AI is very buggy very strange

      Running the Prebuild (0.106, 20140212_230541) I\'ve been having some trouble with turrets as well. I\'ve tried testing them a little and have come to the following conclusions: -Turrets, by themselves, do not fire in Any mode; only in Selected Target mode. They don\'t react to enemy fire...