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    1. the-darkness-angel

      Tank 2

      A ground vehicle. pretty strong.
    2. the-darkness-angel


      Tomino Sama's World eater striped of its hull etc. cheap and carves through planets
    3. the-darkness-angel

      Large-Testing Platform 2

      A huge, powered, movable testing platform for new builds
    4. the-darkness-angel

      Tootsie-Roll WIP

      A WIP cylindrical ship that is easily sutomizable and packs a punch
    5. the-darkness-angel

      Taiban-Turret-Missile 2

      A small missile turret that works well in numbers and take out small ships well
    6. the-darkness-angel

      Shop-9 3

      A centeral hub for ships. can exchange goods, ships. and has a large dock
    7. the-darkness-angel

      Mobile-Home 3

      An empty ship that can house many people o colonize a world. customizable
    8. the-darkness-angel

      Alien Stealth-Fighter 3

      A permacloaking/jamming stealth fighter that packs a punch while hiding in plain sight
    9. the-darkness-angel

      Cardinal Stealth-board 1

      A quick stealthship that you can ride on in gravity. sits well in grav
    10. the-darkness-angel

      Fleet-Mech-1 2

      A small mech that i designed quickly for a larger ship. works well on planets
    11. the-darkness-angel

      Fleet-Destroyer-3 WIP

      This large destroyer can take out over 3mil shields with only missiles in a couple seconds.. an interior that can be easily customized by you. PLEASE UPLOAD IF YOU CHANGE
    12. the-darkness-angel

      Asteroid-Ship 3

      A cheap ship that blends in well with the enviroment. Packs a punch
    13. the-darkness-angel

      101sphere ship

      A hardened hull 101 diameter sphere. core is centered
    14. the-darkness-angel

      Taipan 7

      A very strong ship in all aspects. Many turrets but 0 interior. customizable PLEASE CHANGE AND MODIFY AND UPLOAD O SITE AGAIN :D
    15. the-darkness-angel

      Sniper-Target 1

      A cool target that can be seen from a distance. for sniping. try turning FOV down to get a closer look from a distance
    16. the-darkness-angel

      GOLDFISH 1

      FAST AND SMALL. too bad it is more of a redfish
    17. the-darkness-angel

      Fleet-Frigate WIP

      Meant to carry ships crew etc. yet carry a large payload aswell it is meant to be modified PLEASE CHANGE OR MODIFY AND UPLOAD TO SITE AGAIN :D
    18. the-darkness-angel

      Fleet-AI 3

      A small semi powerful ship meant for pirate ai usage for testing etc.
    19. the-darkness-angel

      Darkness-Angel WIP

      My first semi large ship. crew quarters, hangars, bridge, Amcs and room for builders. PLEASE MODIFY AND CHANGE AND UPLOAD TO SITE ;D
    20. the-darkness-angel

      3000006-Test 1

      A shield test for capital ships. the front and rear are covered in white hull so that when the shields break you don't damage the shields