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    1. The Architect

      Where are the other missiles?

      Bear in mind this process: Step One: Place missile computer, then place ten (example number) missile tubes linked to that computer. Step Two: Place second missile computer. Go to the first missile computer, hover over it, press C. Go to second missile computer, hover over it, press V. You have...
    2. The Architect

      How do I make a ship that can fight pirates?

      Rooms are fine on Flagships and other RP type vessels (Role-Playing), but if you want a fighter...ditch the concept of a \"room\" from your mind and burn it. Every block of empty space in a room is a waste of space. If you want something that will actually perform, survive, and get you out of...
    3. The Architect

      A New Type of Ship Core - The Mech Core

      Yea I surely did. I knew it was unlikely at best as far as probability. But hey, maybe we get lucky? In my head, I didn\'t really see true articulated limbs as much as I saw a run animation playing when moving (no real physics invlolved for the articulating, just an animation when moving). The...
    4. The Architect

      A New Type of Ship Core - The Mech Core

      Yea, I agree. The importance of it being implemented is really not there. Could I live without it? Absolutely. I can build any ship I want to fill the same role any mech could play. The biggest driving force behind even bringing it up was simply that I thought it would be cool. It\'s hard to...
    5. The Architect

      A New Type of Ship Core - The Mech Core

      Yes, yes I know it all sounds rather silly doesn't it? And it may very well be, my friends. However, allow me a moment to elaborate on this idea for a moment and I'll let those of you who are more knowledgeable about what is possible to program in a game such as this debate it's probability of...
    6. The Architect

      The Auron Incident - Helios Corporation Log 1

      I know! I can\'t wait to see what comes later considering all we have and it\'s just alpha.
    7. The Architect

      The Auron Incident - Helios Corporation Log 1

      "Helios: the Auron Incident - VIDEO I was going to post this in the screenshots section, but figured that was the wrong place to do so. Here is a video I made with my faction Helios. A quick de-briefing: One player had built a giant ship, went AFK while it was drifting, came back and it...
    8. The Architect

      Missiles Don't Fire Sideways

      This would be the next best thing to try for sure. With AMC\'s, the cannons fire in the direction your weapons computer is oriented. It is only logical to assume missiles of any kind behave in the same manner, though I haven\'t personally tested it.
    9. The Architect

      AMC Cannons Not Firing at Cursor on Small Ships

      So my friends and I have started making small Mobile Suit type ships to fight each other in a "Thunderdome" on our private server, and when building mine I cannot for the life of me get my AMC's to fire directly at my mouse cursor. Instead they are firing in what almost seems the new right-click...
    10. The Architect

      Can't see missles launch anymore from my ship

      For us, simply restarting the game client fixed the issue.As far as cause, we are currently unsure. The game simply fails to render them, though my friends could still see my ship fire and the damage and block destruction was still applied as normal. Purely a graphical bug I believe. I\'m sure...
    11. The Architect

      Helios: the Auron Incident - VIDEO

      I didn\'t think we were ever gona get that thing back to base XD