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    1. X

      Idea's at how to design a good looking ship

      dude god damn it that looks impossible lol
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      Idea's at how to design a good looking ship

      Well basically I am stumped when it comes to making a ship when I finish them they tend to become bland or too blocky or just simply feel boring and not inspiring so I need some idea when drafting up a ship to the point where it looks like a ship. Now first question where do you start? How do...
    3. X

      Need help with making my ship

      ok the idea i want to make is a ship that can carry up to 5 drone fighter ships but im not sure what i do first do i build a drone then fit it onto a docking pad and start there? or do i just make the main ship then do the drones also is there anyway to dock a ship without the core showing?
    4. X

      Linked cam to weapon

      When you do big like battleships with side launcher's is it possible to link the cam to the weapon say your left side weapon is in hotkey 1 and you press 1 it would shift to that cam instead of finding the right arrow for the right weapon.