Search results

    1. Fishbreath

      Proximity/docking detection?

      I'm working on a modular utility ship, and one of the things I really want to have is a light to indicate when something is docked to one of the modular docking points. I can't quite figure out a way to do this, though: 1. Independent systems on each side don't work. Rail docker blocks claim to...
    2. Fishbreath

      A minor factory annoyance

      I've been setting up a production line in the hopes of starting to move my little friends-and-family server away from pure creative mode, and have been running into a little issue with the way that factories pull blocks. To wit: factories always pull as many materials of each type as they need...
    3. Fishbreath

      Config option for salvage beam efficiency?

      There's an option for personal salvage beam efficiency in the block config XML. Is there a corresponding way to make ship-based salvage beams provide bonus resources, if I wanted more efficient mining? I'm currently using a universe with giant, sparse sectors, and I'd like to be able to set up...
    4. Fishbreath

      Starfish Yards

      Starfish Yards Only the finest in ugly yet functional starship design I decided I'd make a thread to hold all of my creations, instead of cluttering up the board with more than one, so here we are.
    5. Fishbreath

      Can't edit posts?

      I seem to be unable to edit my posts in the Shipyard section, at least. Did that feature get turned off, or is it a browser thing?
    6. Fishbreath

      Suggestion Too many non-unified news sources

      The StarMade News forum section, the News page at the overall website, and the Forums->Home page all feature various game-related news, none of which is synchronized in any way. I dunno how it works behind the hood, but it would be kind of cool if all of those mirrored each other.
    7. Fishbreath

      Reliance-class battleship

      I present to you the Reliance Mark III-class battleship, featuring 0.16-era shield systems and some enhancements to the interior, including labeled decks and a more fleshed-out CIC and bridge. Unfortunately, the headline picture is significantly less pretty now. New CIC: Stats as of 0.16...
    8. Fishbreath

      Compass HUD element

      I'd like to see a compass of some sort on the HUD. It wouldn't have to be complicated, just two numbers: 0-360 for azimuth, (north/south = z coordinate, east/west = x coordinate) and -90 to 90 for elevation (y coordinate). This is less critical now that there are skyboxes, but it would be very...
    9. Fishbreath

      PlexGlass, docked ships, and internal bays

      I ran into an odd issue when building my latest ship. It has an enclosed docking bay with spots for three shuttles. Size checks are currently turned off (waiting on the ability to more precisely control the shape of docking bounding boxes). There's a glass window overlooking the docking bay...