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    1. G

      Advice on a large ship I'm wanting to build

      I've never built any big ships before, and I'm not sure how big I want this ship to be. I want it to be decent at everything. I also want to have some cannon/beam and missile/beam turrets all with the punch-through effect, but that's about all I know. Is having turrets with missiles as primary a...
    2. G

      Upon downloading the game on another computer, I recieve a message about a virus

      The message I get when that happens is this: "StarMade-starter.exe contained a virus and was deleted". This happens for both the normal AND alternative launchers, and my other computer is a Windows 7. I've tried to change the security settings, but that didn't help.
    3. G

      Odd structure, made my ship randomly turn

      A few minutes ago, I found a structure that looked like it wasn't naturally generated, so I went closer, and my ship started to glitch and turn randomly. So after I got the ship under control (except fir the fact it was still turning) I went into the structure, it was basically just four areas...