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      How do you want Dis-integrators to be?

      I think Disintegrators should also function as block multipliers. Renamed like, "Volatile Optimizer" or something. Have one adjacent to your shield/power recharger/capacitor or next to weapon/effect/etc. and get a bonus bigger than if that disintegrator were a true and not an imitation of the...
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      Implemented Disable Diamonds for Turrets and Docked Ships

      Why diamonds? Maybe ship cores could be something else to distinguish from turrets quicker? Squares? Stars? Triangles? Hexagons? Circles?
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      How to make a suggestion-General tips

      Hopefully no moderator swoops in and steals all these excellent, authoritative guidelines about posting suggestions and repeats them in a brand new post! T'would be a red-text travesty! Any mod, if you like this... could you sticky-finger it?
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      New weapons... need to balance armor and shields...

      Trying to "balance" something as yet completely unseen? "Balance" is all up the air. It is nowhere and it is everywhere. It is the force. It is the farce. It is in flux. It is in flush. No equation can be "balanced" if all it is comprised of are variables. Creativity is as much or more art...
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      Next generation: The solution to core drilling

      Agreed. It would definitely be far more fun to drill to other targets than the ship core. Still drilling, mind you, because that is roughly what any weapon ultimately does: Break a way in, break things up inside. In this way, a missile, a beam, a pulsar or a mine shoots for the same goal as any...
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      Space Exploration - The great unknown

      I want to be the pirate. Run, little traders, run. I\'lll get you, and your little cargo hold, too. NPCs, specifically pirates can currently draw from player blueprints to make up their force. The AI for some of these might benefit from a personality toggle? I don\'t always build warships...
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      Ship Crew - Reasons to have multiple people on a ship

      @towerbilder - I didn\'t know you could repair a ship in-flight. To my knowledge, besides using the Technobeam, blocks can only be replaced but not repaired. Please let me know if I\'m overlooking something. On the other hand, you\'re right, the current speed of replacing would admittedly nix...
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      Ship Crew - Reasons to have multiple people on a ship

      Yes, some reason to have a full crew compliment needs to be brought in. While solo play should not be detracted from to get there, battle-wise, a ship with three players inside should have a fair to probable chance of beating three smaller ships each with one player, given a similar team mass...
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      Starmade Battles with Imperfect Information

      @Cool3303 - You are correct, all range scaling would have to be balanced accordingly. As for limited usability, any such range scaling, as you might imagine, would inherently impact the usability. Without investing in proportionate sensor array blocks, it would then leave a ship more vulnerable...
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      Starmade Battles with Imperfect Information

      Knowledge is arguably the most important part of modern warfare, and will certainly be a critical component of future warfare. I believe Starmade might benefit from giving players slightly less information at first, eventually giving them far more at a cost. Currently there are advanced...
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      My take on a new AMC system

      The components to a game like this are about feel and balance: 1. What type of weapon is appropriate for a Fighter-style? For a Capital Ship-style? What makes these disparate styles equally fun? 2. Balance. How can we still get a variety using one block type with limited block arrangements for...
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      The Future Of StarMade: The need for more creative agency.

      Great ideas (especially the heat venting for bigger ships!) The only possible generalized side effect I might caution with more variants of each block type is that it can get a hotbar and the shop menu a bit busy if we have too many block varieties. It feels a bit busy even now. I think there...
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      Ship Size vs. Turning Speed

      Turning is the generalized term describing three different types of movement. Pitch, Yaw, Roll. Furthermore, among any type of movement, there is both acceleration and speed to account for (and probably much more!). Rotational kinematics are by no means a simple problem to tackle. Though...
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      My take on a new AMC system

      I like this idea. Any idea that subjects the stats and performance to the shape is a beautiful thing. Every system block that works like that so far in StarMade absolutely MAKES the game. The way I see it, you\'ve got a set number of stat lines for the final AMC weapon, and a set number of block...
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      Tactical Sensors & Red Alerts

      I like this alarm idea. Shifting a few of the functions that are currently built into the ship core to their own blocks could be good for even further ship customization and, ultimately, ship role variety. Sensors could be their own block, gaining range with each additional sensor block (with...