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    1. DarkMaster3000


    2. DarkMaster3000

      I Am death The Destroyer of WORLDS!

      I Am death The Destroyer of WORLDS!
    3. DarkMaster3000

      The Calderon Republic needs you!

      well i was absent for a time about the same time two was off because since he left well the game hasnt been the same you know? the Calderon Republic is what gave me the will to play the game, because if not i would just call it as another buggy game it was the first time in gaming i actually...
    4. DarkMaster3000

      The Calderon Republic needs you!

      hey i don't know if you have figured out but this post is a recruiting post so if you'd like to continue to annoy us please make a separate post and continue your argument there thank you for your beautiful time
    5. DarkMaster3000

      More bugfixes (0.103)

      A copple weeks ago i noticed on one of schemas videos it presented Black Holes. So the question, Was the Idea Dropped,is it still Planed or you simply dont like to confirm spoilers?
    6. DarkMaster3000

      Void Templar: Fear not death, for you have lived with honor.

      1. In game name: DarkMan 2. Greatest strength in starmade:Battle Srategy And Asthetics 3. How can we help you enjoy the game: Do not annoy me 4. Do you agree with the code of conduct: Yes :)
    7. DarkMaster3000

      A suggestion on current planets (includes shape changes but not gravity changes)

      The Planet would be like A dimention And you could only enter the planets atmosphere With a ship of 2k or lower, you could run arround the planet until you reach the side of it And The plannet would have a core If a ship from outher space with enough fire power attacked it the plannet could...
    8. DarkMaster3000

      The Tartaran Empire- Recruitment OPEN

      My starmade has been craashing when it reaches 100 % it was fine before can some one help me ive updated my cards java and added more memory and it still crashes :(
    9. DarkMaster3000

      The Tartaran Empire- Recruitment OPEN

      IGN:DarkMan Age:14 Skills:scouting eficient ship designs and i can set up a basic factory How often do i play :a lot but since i have big exams going on i might be absent for periods of 2 weeks Desired section(e.g. Military): Military and industrial Time zone :UTC 1
    10. DarkMaster3000

      When you download a ship with turrets on they fall off and flyes awat

      im not even gonna say ok just get informed
    11. DarkMaster3000

      StarMade Prebuild 0.0941: New segment request method (updated)

      Schema i put dev in the pass but i doesnt work can you help me with this ?