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    1. W

      Pirate Nerf?

      Whenever I had to delete the file for starmade and start all over again, I was always forced to use cheats. This was because every time that I created a new world, there was over a dozen pirates just waiting nearby for me to leave the shop. This made early progression difficult, and almost...
    2. W

      Better Planets

      But I don\'t think its one that will work very well. The point of being able to get on and off planets so easily is so that ships can better interact with it from space. For example, lets say we have 2 factions. Faction A and faction B. They are at war with each other, Faction A\'s base is on a...
    3. W

      Player abilities.

      Some of the things here are good ideas, like the shielding and moving a little bit faster. The other ideas are good but they are either already implamented or something that most people aren\'t looking for.
    4. W

      Sloped Turret docking units.

      Sounds like a good idea to me