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    1. Ephelemi

      simple modular binary +1/-1 counter using logic blocks

      So I know this has been covered using regex commands with the display modules, but for anyone interested in a simple solution using the logic blocks, here it is. Due to it using the DELAY blocks to compare the current state of the FLIP FLOPs to the old state, results will be wrong if you...
    2. Ephelemi

      Community Content Rating and Filter System Improvement

      A lot of you might be aware that most ships and other stuff submitted to the community content section quickly fade into obscurity. This is because mostly only gigantic ships or stuff from well known contributors attract enough attention to gather enough ratings and downloads to stay relevant...
    3. Ephelemi

      Carrier Modules

      So I haven't played this game for a long time, but decided to try and build some working carrier hangar systems. As I am not much interested in building full sized ships, but more the interesting parts, which are all the logic systems, I have some questions. I worked out how the carrier recall...
    4. Ephelemi

      Block Slices

      I will not write a big tower post about this as I think it is fairly simple and intuitive, as opposed to the way of fabricating armour at the moment. So what we have is the full block, the wedge, the tetra and hepta, and slabs. So it would seem obvious to me that if you have a full block, you...
    5. Ephelemi

      More realistic ship environment

      Just a few days ago I thought how about having a tour of that pirate station over there after I shot down its turrets. However, I had to set aside these plans because I noticed you cannot control anything that isnt neutral or in your faction. This leads to very big restriction to an imo large...
    6. Ephelemi

      area triggers correct linking

      This is just a smaller issue or maybe a bug but I noticed that area trigger computers link to other logic blocks the wrong way round. Normally I set the block master that gives a signal not the one that receives. But i have to set the area trigger module as a slave to another block that I want...