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      Serious Suggestions (take notes)

      While amusing, I feel like mocking people for posting suggestions on the suggestions forum is rather unnecessary.
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      Spherical Planets made out of unbend blocks

      I don\'t understand why there\'s still so much issue with this; sphere planets should be easy to implement. Schema already showed he can warp a cube to look like a sphere so all he\'d need to do is make it so that when you get sufficiently close to this sphere you would \"enter the atmosphere\"...
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      StarMade dev update: why spherical planets don't fit in a block world

      What I don\'t understand is why the planets have to operate within Euclidean space; why not have a cube planet rendered as a sphere when further away and have a Spore-like entry into the planet\'s atmosphere when close whereupon the 6 sides of the cube are all flat and interconnected.