Search results

    1. E

      Experienced RP'er looking for a Semi PVP Server with good Storyline

      I saw that. Not really sure if I\'m diggin the whole little kid thing. May give it a try.
    2. E

      New Mature faction warfare server

      in game name: Epsilon (Forum: Epsilon Industries) age: 23 will you use teamspeak: Sure. Just not sure HOW to. have you read and agree to our rules: Yea I have and yes I do do you understand the game is in Alpha and bugs will happen ( including possible map wipes ) : Yes I do why should we...
    3. E

      Defiance Gaming [DEAD]

      WHat factions are there and how do we join an existing one?
    4. E

      Experienced RP'er looking for a Semi PVP Server with good Storyline

      Hi guys! I'm making yet another noobish post. So I dug through several pages of threads to come up somewhat empty on my search for a good RP server. I'm not too big on to PVP, some is ok but I'd like a rich and developed story. I figured I would make a post in here to fish out a few good...
    5. E

      Looking for a skilled shipbuilder...

      Not sure if this is the right forum... But... Hello! I'm Epsilon and I'm actually fairly new to the world of StarMade. But in my time here with the game I do know one thing.... I suck at building large scale ships. I understand practice makes perfect, but I prefer things in an immediate...