Search results

    1. M

      Axe - A server admin tool for editing ENT files

      Hi guys, I have been working on a small commandline tool for editing the ENT files of Starmade in order to make new server specific features possible. You can find this tool at github, you'll need to compile it yourself. It's only been tested for Linux, but might work under Windows also since...
    2. M

      Eyefinity : running on 3 screens?

      Yes, that\'s what i\'m doing currently and it works great (so don\'t take it wrong, I love the fact that starmade doesn\'t do anything weird like refusing to run when you have 3 screens like a few others games do). I just wanted to see if anyone had a workaround that would allow this as a better...
    3. M

      Eyefinity : running on 3 screens?

      I have been trying to start the game in a multi-monitor setup using 3 monitors in standard HD format, giving a resolution of 5760 x 1080. Unfortunately the launcer UI doesn't have support for "strange" resolutions like this, and any modifications that I do to the options file manually (which is...