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    1. LordVe

      Starting Inventory and Storage/Factory Tweaks

      This first thing as been brought up before. The ability for Admins to set the Starting Inventory of the Players on their server. I am running a Survival Server and have a Planet set as the spawn. The Idea was that the players would have to start from almost nothing so that they would have to...
    2. LordVe

      Point to Point Docking

      This is a rather 'simple' thing I would like to be added into the game. I would like to get rid of the current Docking System, Keep the turret docking as it is though. What I want is a Block to Block docking system. Basically Rather than bothering with a Box system, you just have one...
    3. LordVe


      If at all possible, make Shops Editable. I ask for this for a few reasons. The first is so that I can change the Spawn Shop to be more player friendly. Spawning players in space next to a shop breaks what I am going for with my server. The second is that the default shops are...
    4. LordVe

      Balancing the game, another way.

      I see the current "Balance" issues a bit differently than most, judging solely on the topics I have read. Most of what I see are people attempting to balance what a Small ship and a Large ship can do with the same hardware. That isn't the way I would go, since it can never be balanced in that...
    5. LordVe

      I am in need of a bit of help

      I am attempting to write a program that will allow me to take a ship and update the HP on the blocks. Why you may ask, because I changed the Hull for my server to up the HP, thus making them worth something to have on a ship or station, and have found that I now need to repair all my ships...
    6. LordVe

      I Like the Cities

      I must say, I like the cities I have found on a few worlds. While horribly designed, they add a nice sense that the star systems are/were populated. If asked, I am sure that the community can assist in designing the pre-generated assets. Having both esthetically pleasing and functional...
    7. LordVe

      A Few Ideas

      After playing the game for the past few weeks, I have found a few things that could be improved or added. The first would have to be Docking Port To Docking Port docking. If we could allow ships to dock without caring about the size, we could built stations that allowed us to have air-locks...