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    1. LordVe

      A Shipwright's Alpha Game Rant

      Maybe I should clarify. I was attempting to say that, until we get Directional Thrusters (RCS), there is not much we can do, well you could turn down the rate penalty in the configs, but that doesn't solve the issue.
    2. LordVe

      A Shipwright's Alpha Game Rant

      For the OP's complaints, I can answer #1 rather easy. A core is a fixed point, unless it is destroyed it will never move relative to the surrounding ship. Doing from a fixed point to a Mass based system would put untold stress on any server. You would have to calculate the new COM every time...
    3. LordVe

      Core overheat leaves ship intact

      So long as the wreakage follows the same rules as the Asteroids, IE use the setting that allows them to be moved, or not. That would cut the lag by a bit since they would be static.
    4. LordVe

      Anyone know why putting in a new graphics card breaks sound on Windows 8.1?

      You may need to reenable the OnBoard Audio in your Bios. I had a similar issue when I upgraded my Video cards. My BIOS decided to disable the OnBoard audio in favor of the Video Card's Audio. (Note: I have a UEFI Bios, so if yours is older, this might not apply.)
    5. LordVe

      Starting Inventory and Storage/Factory Tweaks

      This first thing as been brought up before. The ability for Admins to set the Starting Inventory of the Players on their server. I am running a Survival Server and have a Planet set as the spawn. The Idea was that the players would have to start from almost nothing so that they would have to...
    6. LordVe

      New StarMade launcher v12 test release

      Other than being able to manage multiple Installations at once, I am thinking of being able to select which install you want to use from a dropdown, it is perfect.
    7. LordVe


      I am getting this error with 1.391: [SEVERE] Sat Aug 16 21:41:10 EDT 2014: Exception: Unhandled exception in thread main: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at at...
    8. LordVe

      Crafting only gamemode (and more!)

      The way I have this set up on my server is to empty the spawn shop and set everyone's credits to 0 at spawn. What would make the crafting as the primary method of getting anywhere would be to be able to set the Sell and Buy prices separately in the block config. I would set the shop to buy...
    9. LordVe

      Point to Point Docking

      My issues with the current system stem from the fact that I prefer 'realistic' play. I like building things to be, at the very least, semi-realistic. Having a ship just hover there really breaks it for me. Docking should always be from one docking port to another, or in rare cases from one...
    10. LordVe

      Point to Point Docking

      This is a rather 'simple' thing I would like to be added into the game. I would like to get rid of the current Docking System, Keep the turret docking as it is though. What I want is a Block to Block docking system. Basically Rather than bothering with a Box system, you just have one...
    11. LordVe

      Fix the crappy damage beam ranges

      To fix the range issue on my server, I just edited the blockBehaviorConfig.xml and increased the range to 1k and the power cost to 1.5k, I also changed the burst time to be 60s, and the cool down to 30s so that they would conform to being "phasers" for the ST ships (People seem to like to use...
    12. LordVe

      Space Duck... err Space Dock

      I can't understand the difference between using Credits and using Energy to create a block. Well, except that getting credits takes next to no time, while energy does. To elaborate on my idea, when I say energy intensive, I really do mean intensive. Think about 4m energy per block, so not...
    13. LordVe

      Space Duck... err Space Dock

      Going with the general Idea, A SpaceDock Is required to create Huge Ships, I would like to put forth the Idea of Energy->Blocks. Situation Time: I am in a long drawn out war with another faction. They have effectively blockaded me from getting to the shops and planets. My Station has a...
    14. LordVe


      I still have several Shops that are down to a few blocks.
    15. LordVe


      If at all possible, make Shops Editable. I ask for this for a few reasons. The first is so that I can change the Spawn Shop to be more player friendly. Spawning players in space next to a shop breaks what I am going for with my server. The second is that the default shops are...
    16. LordVe

      Balancing the game, another way.

      It expands your options. Don\'t want to Layer your Hull, right now it doesn\'t help, you can upgrade to the next tier up, balancing that with the added mass... Don\'t want to be forced to build a huge ship to survive going through a hostile sector, upgrade your shields, taking a bit of a power...
    17. LordVe

      Balancing the game, another way.

      I will admit, a fighter surviving a Capital Ship\'s Main Guns, or Turrets, is a bit unlikely. But it does happen... And yes, in a way, I am putting SM into a box. Well, a part of it into a box... If it helps, ignore the Ship Classification stuff, go with simple Classes My Main issue is the...
    18. LordVe

      Balancing the game, another way.

      I see the current "Balance" issues a bit differently than most, judging solely on the topics I have read. Most of what I see are people attempting to balance what a Small ship and a Large ship can do with the same hardware. That isn't the way I would go, since it can never be balanced in that...
    19. LordVe

      Offline Ship Editor

      Had to delete that .josm file to get it to work. I do have a Request, could you add Standard Views to SMEdit? Top, Bottom, Front, Back, Left, Right... That would help me with my project since Rotation is so Laggy with my craft.
    20. LordVe

      Offline Ship Editor

      I still am getting this after updating SMEdit... Local: Thu Sep 26 15:03:15 EDT 2013 Remote: Thu Sep 26 15:03:15 EDT 2013 Delta: 375 java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at...