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    1. M

      AI in game coding

      degrees And Docking in\'t things you use in code really
    2. M

      AI in game coding

      HA HA HA
    3. M

      AI in game coding

      do you know what drag and drop coading is ??? you dont nead to type at all i thought abaout text coding (am a coder) but drag and drop is mutch simpler and my spelling is not the best im from sweden for fucks sake Doc=docing degrease
    4. M

      multible Windows

      close the Bloack_editor window the whole game quits closeing one window closes all
    5. M

      AI in game coding

      what if you could in game coad what the AI module should do with the ship at times a simpel drag and drop coding system like: [Turn_Left 200_degreas.] [Forward 10_meters 5_speed] [Weapon_1 Shoot.Enemy] [if Take_Dmg] [Then] [Shoot.Enemy] [Doc_Ship] Exempel in text :)
    6. M

      Brighter Lights!

      What the topic says
    7. M

      Non LAGGY or OP Jump Speed

      yeah a great idea
    8. M

      Non LAGGY or OP Jump Speed

      Every one want jump speed right? Non LAGGY or OP Jump Speed: lets say we got a jump speed engine, you build your ship with them. the larger ship the more you nead it uses power but while you are in jump speed the power generators cant run... in starmade there is a power tank witch have no...
    9. M

      Guru - Pilots