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    1. G

      11x11x11 Power Reactor Producing 104659.6

      I was messing around trying to improve my large ship's power when I stumbled on this... Here is the layout. I'll post a video shortly to show how I put it together. I search around the googles and best I could find was ~97K. JPG...
    2. G

      RC_Goliath Stats in the description of blueprint. Enjoy! Rate it if you want, or just blow it up... Either way, Have fun! 5 turrets all accessible form inside ship! 2 energy drain drones 3 dock shuttle bay garthrs
    3. G

      Updating a SMProhosting hosted server

      I don't know anything about linux. What do I need to do to get my SMProhosting Server updated to the latest version? I downloaded the starmade-starter.jar file... but what now? All of the server files are on the SMprohosting site.