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    1. Sphinx111

      I've just built my first capital ship!

      I finally finished my first full size capital ship (A small 4th Rate Ship of the Line by most people's standards, but still a proper line of battle ship)... 651m Long, 40-60 drones, 4 mine launchers, a detailed hangar bay that holds numerous smaller ships... full RP interior... concealed...
    2. Sphinx111

      The Rebel Alliance wants YOU!

      Thrust is not the same as speed ;-) thrust divided by mass gives you an acceleration which would be the most relevant info to compare to that \"max speed\" info. Still, guess when the server\'s up we can tweak the ship deisgns to make them \"feel\" right next to each other. One big question...
    3. Sphinx111

      The Rebel Alliance wants YOU!

      +1 for the wookiepedia, nice info I\'m using for imperial scenario ships, copying ethgar\'s scale of 2 blocks/meter. Just need to balance the thrust and weapons out now but first scenario ship (Action VI transport) is nearly complete. A9-Vigilance Interceptor completed but think I might leave...
    4. Sphinx111

      The Rebel Alliance wants YOU!

      Hey Ethgar, any chance you could post the top speeds and weapon damage/reload numbers of those ships you\'re building so I can design something balanced in comparison to them ;-)
    5. Sphinx111

      The Rebel Alliance wants YOU!

      The way I see it working, is as part of your fleet practices, when there\'s either no other factions willing to fight across servers, or not enough rebels on to fight effectively, the fleet commander (or self-appointed squad leader) will take their ships to a system set up previously where a...
    6. Sphinx111

      How do I protect my ships when logged off?

      Moth - You will need a faction module on the ship to be able to dock. Docking requires both units to be in the same faction.
    7. Sphinx111

      The Rebel Alliance wants YOU!

      Hello ObiShawnKenobi, Love the Star Wars theme idea, ministry setup and the server plans. Wondered if I could join in as a \"game environment enhancement\" player... ie - Making the universe seem a little more real, I\'d be setting up small outposts, automated drones, \"treasure\" chests and...