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    1. M

      Spawn Button Does Not Work

      Maybe, just backup your blueprints, saves, and whatever you need backed up, and reinstall the game? (Delete the folder once things are backed up and install) IDK, but this might work.
    2. M

      Personal Defense - Armor, Weapons, Boarding, Robots, and Medicine

      Yeah, faction blocks would help, but some griefers are pretty persistent and could get through that by gaining the factions trust. I do like that idea for the HUD\'s in the visor blocks, too.
    3. M

      Personal Defense - Armor, Weapons, Boarding, Robots, and Medicine

      This idea is great! But, some griefers would go out and secretly take out a colonies O2 generators, and laugh as the colonists died slowly... D: I would hate that. There would also probably be people liking the old game, because the current version is much simpler, so maybe this could be a new...