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    1. Brolak

      SG-U | Destiny scale 1:1 | by Brolak

      Destiny Scale 1:1 by Brolak 2016 Update Album of build : Destiny 2014 Progress Total progress : 80 %
    2. Brolak

      [SG-1] Project Goa'uld reborn - By Brolak

      My old project was : [SG1] Project Goa'uld return With this objective : Finaly, today i'm back and i launch the project : [SG1] Project Goa'uld reborn So i will upgrade and modify all my fleet. Project content : My Ha-tak's See Album of building by clicking on image Blueprint link ...
    3. Brolak

      [HOT] Stargate Universe << Destiny >> Scale 1:1

      PS : I'm sorry for my english (i'm french) After the Goa'uld projet, i asked to my french community what they want to see me build. And they ask a Destiny, scale 1:1 Source of scale : So, with a lot of pictures, video, i do my best for build it. Last...
    4. Brolak

      Can't succes to update 0.0938

      Sorry for my english i'm french. I have a server, hosting by a compagny. I have acces to a FTP. When i would like to update the game, i download form the last build here : Then i paste on my FTP and replace last files by news files. Then i launch the...
    5. Brolak

      [SG1] Project Goa'uld return

      hi all, Note : I'm sorry for my english, i'm french. My project is to build a fleet Goa'uld, whereas many people build ship of other race. i decide to be your ennemi ! All my ship are build with the more optimised that i can build ! So their stats are exceptionnal ! You can make Questions...
    6. Brolak

      [Classification] easy and usefull | byBrolak

      As some of you may know I've been using my own ship classification system, at the request I've decided to post it here for all to see. [X][NNN][Y] _ NameShip _Autor X : for principal using, replace by : T = Transport, L = Logistics (Astro-beam, powersupply beam), X = Fight, S = Salvager, N...