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    1. Sweepea38

      The rtag Wiki

      Does anyone else miss it? This other wiki tagged on the official website is just... It's only got nicer looking navboxes and that's pretty much it. it's content is alright, and it's improved a bit since rtag went down, but I still would prefer rtag... Does anyone know anything on why it's...
    2. Sweepea38

      KON Technologies.

      Hello! I'm making a new series of ships that will feature several ships... 1. Corvette 2. Destroyer 3. Carrier The acronym K.O.N. stands for "Karats of Operations and Networks" The ships all carry around an icecrystal that in a sense are supposed to power the ship. This is usually the...
    3. Sweepea38


      Ello! I'm fairly new at this game. playing it for less than a week. decided to create an account! I've tried my hand at making a Fighter class ship, used mainly for combat with other ships. it's honestly very poorly done, and I had no idea on what powertanks did. so It's not very efficient. but...