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      New Years News

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      StarMade dev news #3

      really cool stuff. Love the new shadows.
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      StarMade dev news #2

      Me2. The build mode is the reason I left other building games like minecraft for starmade. It\'s just really really good. Lots of tools you can use to help you build are always a good thing.
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      StarMade dev news #2

      DAT Corner Block!
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      StarMade dev news

      Get well soon
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09471: Structure panel

      sweet I won\'t have to run plex doors to my command room to open them up from the bridge now.
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      HELP: Fraps not recording Starmade properly: Missing footage, 1sec saved segments

      I still get this issue. I\'ve seen this all over the web too?
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      New player models coming up.

      This is freaking amazing. Can\'t wait to make a custom skin for the model for my player. Will their be a blueprint for the base textures so we know which part is which? Or maybe an 3D editor?
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      New player models coming up.

      fdjfksjdklfsdklfjj I ca...
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09442

      His real account is gillium5 user for 1 month. Just got an unproked hate pm from him.
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09442

      If I could downvote your comment I would. ...User for ten hours... yet you are requesting a new block type. For shame that you don\'t have the guts to say that and show your real account,
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      StarMade 0.0944: Chain Docking, Balance, Fixes

      I keep getting lag when placing blocks out side of a build mode. Also it takes a few seconds for a plex door to close or open when it should be instant. anyone else get these. I \'ve had bugs of everything undocking and mass teleportations a couple of times, but no logs to go with them so eh.
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      StarMade 0.0944: Chain Docking, Balance, Fixes

      You wil be missed giant planet eating AMC shotgun. XD
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09439: weapon balance

      This looks very promising.
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      The shield change is not a nerf

      I really like that idea. Also \\o/ Shield buff! Thanks. Hopefully cap verse cap battles will be a little longer now.
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      Docking "Target Not Combatable"

      Is the beam on. No really. I had this problem beucase I couldn\'t see the beam, it was somehow switched off in the options menu when I updated.
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09433

      would like to see all amc get a slight nerf and a boost in shield regen during battle. Why the shield regen during battle? Because it worked before but was just hit to hard. Would also like amc to scale differently. Making smaller ships weapons weaker because they can not group as many as a...
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09433

      \\o/ Hooray!
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      StarMade 0.0943

      Sweet great as always. Keep this up. It\'s amazing how well my larger ships load now. And how well the game runs. Also thanks for the 50% boost on turning. I personally like using 0.8, or 0.9 in the server config for my large ships instead of the defualt 1.1. But thats preference. That way I...
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      StarMade Prebuild 0.09424 missile fix and balance

      +1 for balancing weapons, and hull with shields. Amc\'s are OP atm.