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    1. J

      Starmade youtube series

      I will join if your still looking for people. I am 15, My skype is jackbtroop62 Also, I can host your server non-hamachi (same map your using now) and add a whitelist to only the people you want. But in case that doesn\'t work for you, I do have a hamachi. I am pretty creative, and I...
    2. J

      Can't attack Faction members

      First of all, i want to say I am addicted to this game and it is the best game ever. Now, I want to mention one thing that I would think make it even better. Whenever, I am flying my giantship around, I have friends in turrets on the sides of my ship in my faction. However, when i shoot my...
    3. J


      Yeh, I am really hoping they add this in too, it would make it so fun to walk around my ship while it flies itself XD