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    1. T

      Shield permeability investigated - sync issue?

      Executive summary: don't trust the shield flashes of your opponent, they are broken, HUD shield bars are also probably just dishonest, and the problem is probably a client/server sync issue. Sometimes shields let AMC fire and even missiles through while your shield bar is still full/your...
    2. T

      Anybody kill a capital in a fighter yet?

      So talk about post-shield-change PVP experiences here. I built myself a fancy 500-mass stealthed and radar-jammed fighter and had zero success against a Titan-class ship that was big enough you could park a submarine in the landing bay (more on that later). I could survive indefinitely in a...
    3. T

      Taxicab geometry, waypoints, and navigation general

      Tl;dr the shortest distance between two points is a straight line except in Manhattan. Waypoints in Starmade use something called taxicab geometry in three dimensions to point you in the right direction sector by sector. The current system of waypoints is like the squiggly blue line and tries...
    4. T

      Collision damage

      Every time there is a collision between two large things Starmade has to do a lot of calculations. It might be less computationally intensive to just have things that collide with too much force behind them explode forcefully. This would stop people from carelessly ramming planets with 250,000...