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    1. X

      Shield Texture

      I really like these textures, you should keep up the good work
    2. X

      Space Station: Titalia (10,000km2 of area)

      i am pretty sure that i got someone for hosting and it should be up by tomorrow. I was just trying to think of a large project and then somthing in my mind decided that building a station the size of a small country. Most of the station will be layed out in a city formation in that it will have...
    3. X

      Space Station: Titalia (10,000km2 of area)

      The Titalia is a space station,not a ship, so i dont need to orry about physics to much. Also its going to have mutiple levels. Meaning the first levels 1km2 gets multiplied like 10 time because it goes a verticle kilometer with spacing between levels. So once its done it shouldnt really have...
    4. X

      Plex Lifters get to Fast

      For anyone who has made a tall station you may have noticed that the taller you make a stack of plex lifters, the faster it goes. This may seem like a posotive thing on a smaller scale but afte around 100 or so it goes way to fast and it wont actually move players at all. I feel this could be...
    5. X

      Space Station: Titalia (10,000km2 of area)

      well since this is just a space station i dont really need to build anything to make it functional but the whole month of work did just kind of upset me but i realized that this was going to be a huge project. Also I will start posting update pictures once i get anything that resembles a station
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      Space Station: Titalia (10,000km2 of area)

      I\'m not 100% sure that it will let you build that much but i see no reason that it wouldn\'t allow a structure to reach a certain size as long as it is fitted in the sector.
    7. X

      Space Station: Titalia (10,000km2 of area)

      Hello I am new to the community, but will be hopefully posting a lot more soon. Space station Titalia is a huge project that i am taking up. The station has been started a ltiile bit but has a whole lot to go. I am looking for a build team who can help me and host the private server for...