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      Yeah they really need better organisation, having some more folders inside the suggestions forum so that ideas can be categorised by their purpose or what blocks they involve, etc. It is a bit hard when there is currently 1035 topics that you would have to look through and then you don\'t even...
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      Inputs and Triggers

      I would love to have this in the game. It would give it that extra bit of feeling that makes you think, \"this is awesome\".
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      Programmable Ai - CODING

      @opmrcrab I don\'t mind have mutliple machines / blocks that only have specific capabilities. In fact I love it, but that wouldn\'t mean it would be bad to be able to program these yourselves as well. It would be up to each person to have their idea of what is best, some people would prefer...
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      A suggestion about AI, specifically Bobby

      I think this would work pretty well with this idea:
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      Programmable Ai - CODING

      bump because I would like this to be seen by more people :)
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      I had a similar thought a few days ago, I was remember other space sci-fi\'s that I\'d watched on tv and remembering all the doors automatically locking off sectors of a ship that had been breached. I think it would be great if plexidoors had a similar response to a breach in the hull, and maybe...
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      Programmable Ai - CODING

      I myself have done quite a bit of programming in Lua in Computer Craft, without any of the supporting mods for it, but I still found the capabilities of programming my own functions outstanding. With a vast list of events, besides just targetting, like getting specific data about a ship. You...
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      I like the concept of occasionally having to travel to a habitated planet in order to find the necessary resources to survive. I mean just by looking at the skins of other players it is clear you play as a human and hence would have necessities. It would be nice for at least a small portion of...
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      Levels of thrusters, shield dispursers, cannons, ect.

      Thanks for the support :) Also I already currently use the games existing systems to create power sources as efficiently as possible in the smallest amount of space (but not necessarily the smallest number of blocks). A friend and I built a \'death star\' like core (just a ship core surrounded...
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      Suggestion: Multiple Defense Types

      i wouldnt exactly say \"its abnormal that a small ship would destroy a large one\" as its \"unlikely that a small ship would destroy a larger vessel\". If a small ship is piloted skillfully and has the right equipment then its possible that the small ship could slowly but surely destroy the...
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      Levels of thrusters, shield dispursers, cannons, ect.

      @ The visitor above me I believe he is correct. Superior designing is definitely something that makes a game more interesting and worth the effort put in, to know that your design kicks the *** out of any one elses design. However I still think having levels of equipment is a good idea, it just...
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      The Advanced Combat Proposal - TID

      I like most of your ideas, however I think shields should stay virtually the same, however if an EMP weapon of sorts was added or a couple types of weapons that are weak but can penetrate shields this would not change the mechanics too much and still give a larger variety of play types / methods...
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      50km Speed LIMIT

      I like this idea. It supports the idea of having small and heavy class ships (such as a bomber specialised in destroying those capital ships.. The speed limit should just be upped to say 200km/h. With this you could then have a limit to the number of thrusters that a ship can support, meaning...
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      Suggestion: Multiple Defense Types

      I love the idea of adding more complexity and depth in to the game, especially when it comes to attacking / defending
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      [IDEA] Pirate Command bases

      I also like this idea, definitely allows for newcomers to be welcomed while allowing for greater challenges to players that seek them. This would also mean that players of \'higher levels\' would not benefit a great deal by sticking near the starting point and killing other players in comparison...
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      Tighter Structures - more control over grouping

      In the interest of creating more compact and complex ships, It would be nice to be able to have more control over the grouping of modules (such as salvagers). Rather than just have them detect whether they are connected to another, have the front (the output of the beam) be connected to the...
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      Another use for factions.

      ** Idea in third paragraph** I only recently started playing with some friends, and I had only built a salvaging ship. The ship had the core at the very front covered only by some glass. Then only half of the rest of the ship was covered by basic grey hulls. A friend and I found a pirate owned...