Search results

    1. X

      Starlancer Ships

      Well actually, a second reliant design would still be welcome - although I have to admit, your own is pretty well done. Possibly a bit small, since if you make the fighters to the same scale, they end up being particualrly weak.
    2. X

      Starlancer Ships

      Back in the day I played a space-action game called Starlancer. The game had an excellent variety of ships, all of which would be pretty nice to build in StarMade. I haven't had much luck trying to build the ships from the game, and even though I'll continue to try, and upload any good models I...
    3. X

      My current ships

      Those ships are absolutely brilliant. 100% sure that they would get top ratings as uploaded ships. Keep up the good work!
    4. X

      Swordfish class Carrier, WIP

      This is excellent work! It looks amazing already. I second what \"Recapdrake\" has said - it would be really handy if you could make this available for download at some point soon, even if it isn\'t finished. Mainly because a lot of people could really use a carrier to hold some of their larger...