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    1. S

      GUI Overlayed Items Text

      So, I\'ve had the bug again, grabbed a screenshot of it this time...
    2. S

      Decent economy set-up?

      For manufactured items, maybe make a 10% profit increase on every stage of the manufacturing. So an Ore with a price of 10, then that makes a componant, with a price of 100, then a final product with two componants with a price of 2000. That may encourage people to try and settle down and...
    3. S

      GUI Overlayed Items Text

      Often when using PlexStorage, or even inventory on occasion, the name of another item will be displayed above whatever the name of the item you're cursor is over, making it impossible to tell what the item your looking at is. I've not found out what item it is displaying instead, if it is one...
    4. S

      Docking Beam Activates Various Blocks

      Right click for one, left click for the other?