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    1. Admiral.Piett

      Mobile Fighter shipyards, and mobile factories

      +1 To the idea of having hangars that make ships to replenish your fighter coverage by using the resources inside the ship, like in SoaSE. They could just "fill up" the ship in layers.
    2. Admiral.Piett

      Dock not too small, but can't dock?

      Docking logic is flawed and has a bazillion bugs. You will have to wait until docking logic gets a revamp/Overhaul. I've encountered that issue to0, many times, and I always have to make my docking boxes Bigger than the turret/ship I'm docking. AL so, remember docking right now uses the core as...
    3. Admiral.Piett

      Nerf shield curves so that shields scale appropriately for Titans

      I've added here, my work so far. It is a mess, but I have there developed 3 shield curves, and added comparisons vs ship mass (the way it is right now, no inventions of mine) vs the current and previous shielding curves. It has graphs if you don't want to see only numbers.... but do read...
    4. Admiral.Piett

      Bug Ion bug exploitable

      I just reproduced this... you actually charge the enemy shields when you fire at them.
    5. Admiral.Piett

      Bug kills my i7!!

      I honestly think it is your CPU, power-source, or cooling the failure here, not the game. Try running other CPU intensive games, so you realize that. There are also applications that run heavy calculation loads on your CPU. Pair it with an application that monitors temps, and then find out what...
    6. Admiral.Piett

      Nerf shield curves so that shields scale appropriately for Titans

      @[email protected] And how is it in star-made, so people instantly spawn ships as soon as they join a server? Oh right, ECONOMY hasn't kicked in. You are assuming every faction will get into a server, and instantly have everything they've developed available to them in the new server. And that...
    7. Admiral.Piett

      Nerf shield curves so that shields scale appropriately for Titans

      Mods, son. Mods. Have ever played mine-craft? That is why it is so big. It allowed people to literally do as they wish in their own little server, and if they wanted radical changes, they must know how to mod. To allow as much possible configuration options, makes this easier for your regular...
    8. Admiral.Piett

      Nerf shield curves so that shields scale appropriately for Titans

      Cross server compatibility is a decision of the server owner himself. If he/she/it wants cross compatibility, he/she/it will stick to vanilla config. Simple. CyberTao it still is the server owner's decision. They can always share configurations.... And those factions can't interact because they...
    9. Admiral.Piett

      Cargo Capacity Limitations

      I agree stacks shouldn't have a limit based on the amount, but based on the mass.
    10. Admiral.Piett

      Nerf shield curves so that shields scale appropriately for Titans

      MrFURB Is the regen/cap split a thing in a future StarMade release? If so, even more the reason to wait for a change.... I am working on the numbers for energy vs mass vs shields. I'd like to know if a shield tanking/regen split is going to happen. That modifies calculations severely. Comr4de...
    11. Admiral.Piett

      Turret (balancing) arc/facing and docking logic. AI with more options and targetable missiles

      Exactly the issue. I know turrets already move vertically lad.
    12. Admiral.Piett

      Combat and game stage: The whole cake

      Your example is assuming we've laid all pieces. I think some parts of the game have not been decided at all. And your reasoning is flawed. No one lays a brick into the ground until you know the ground can sustain all of them. All pieces, before laid down, are designed and each piece is designed...
    13. Admiral.Piett

      Nerf shield curves so that shields scale appropriately for Titans

      Each season of LoL has seen remarkable improvements towards design and balance. Their game is not perfectly balanced. I said they are an example to follow into how balacing works. (Sometimes, money is influential towards game balance, but here it isn't. Or at least shouldn't). They've even...
    14. Admiral.Piett

      Combat and game stage: The whole cake

      @[email protected] Maybe I'll be over extending, into wanting to wait for all (actually, just a few more) features. But in this particular case, you can't provide an objective, proven and logic solution to a problem, if you don't know all the "factors" and this case they are constantly changing...
    15. Admiral.Piett

      Cargo Capacity Limitations

      That makes a lot of sense. Volume is a bit hard... but mass is the way to go. If we make freighters behave like full and empty freighters, that adds to the game.
    16. Admiral.Piett

      Nerf shield curves so that shields scale appropriately for Titans

      I totally agree with you, but in order, at least, in my opinion, to make the PvP experience better, via proper balacing, needs the rest of the game features completion, and everyone else quickly dismissed me saying that shields are the only issue. Mark me some games that suffer of this problem...
    17. Admiral.Piett

      Turret (balancing) arc/facing and docking logic. AI with more options and targetable missiles

      I agree to the extreme, that chain docking can help out design in big ways. We could make turrets look so much better, if instead of moving the whole thing to change the vertical angle of the shot, only the cannon did. But the biggest drawback to that is that we don't how complex it is to...
    18. Admiral.Piett

      Nerf shield curves so that shields scale appropriately for Titans

      Ithirahad Funny how you read that, i'm guessing you are making fun of him. That is unhelpful. Secondly, it currently is possible, it just takes "too long", as the insight of several people. I am working on this to show you why curves aren't that easy to use for balacing work, just give me more...
    19. Admiral.Piett

      Nerf shield curves so that shields scale appropriately for Titans

      There, there, that should be and in-game feature. Adding a computer to shields, and being able to play with values without giving preference to either type of configuration, allows for even more play-styles and flexibility in ship design. A player may prioritize shield regen, making his ship...
    20. Admiral.Piett

      Nerf shield curves so that shields scale appropriately for Titans

      Geez, you don't know what schizophrenia is, lad. Are you hearing voices?? And i made so much emphasis on the untested elements before, that you are really making me feel bad. Secondly, that IS the problem the OP posted. Scaling is BLOCKING the interaction, since to the OP's opinion, it is...