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    1. M

      Makaan's Replica Shipyards

      Update 11th of August: Welcome back fellow pilots, commanders and shipwrights! Today I bring you Corvettes! Vaygr Command Corvette: Lenght: 24m Height: 14m Width: 11m Blocks: 435 Scale: 1:2,5 Speed: 78 m/s Download: Vaygr Command Corvette Vaygr Missile Corvette: Lenght:21m Height: 7m...
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      Argorator Heavy Cruiser

      Hello fellow players, Today I'm bringing to you the Argorator Class Heavy Cruiser: Equipped with to AA-Batteries, two dual AA-Guntowers, eight Dual-Cannontowers and three Heavy Triplex Guns she will lighten up your day in every battle. Two GR-Reactors power her up with a total of...
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      I present to you, the HMS YerStinkyPirate, Drakus-Class-Cruiser. Defining SpaceShip anew. With a Mass of roughly 1500 and 926 thrust, she may not be the fastest, but with TEN D1000 Cannons on both port and starboard and the six prow-mounted AMC-Cannons she quite packs a punch...
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      Hey guys, I'm currently working on a Vagyr ship list and will post here everything i get done. Share your opinions and enjoy! Vaygr Resource Collector: Yes...
    5. M

      SD Shield Dispersers not working properly

      Hey guys, First off: TL;DR = Shield blocks drains only 2e/s per block, not 4000e/s as supposed, why? My problem is that the SD Shield Dispersers only drain e/s in amounts which are equal to the shieldregen/s, it never comes to a degree even the smallest generator couldn't handle. Most of you...