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    1. C

      'Engineer Girl Skin' - Complete!

      I vote middle too. :3
    2. C

      Starmade Shipyards

      This is a fantastic idea and I would love to see it in action! I am interested in the technical bits though, like, what language(s) will it be written in?
    3. C

      Texture Pack,

      Whoa, this is awesome! I\'m loving the reinforced textures.
    4. C

      Landet ship = lags

      I\'m having this issue with a rather \"small\" ship (88 mass).
    5. C

      Something slows down ships in space

      The AI also doesn\'t work well in no-friction. On my server we run with 0.1 but even then, it\'s kind of weird. When we had it at 0.0, I spent my entire day once, just ferrying people around to their ships...
    6. C

      Docking orientation

      I am really fond of this idea.